Janice Thompson
Pastor Janice Thompson is first and foremost a servant of the Lord. Pastor Thompson is
the Founder and Senior Pastor of The Rock Church formerly known as Abundant Life Ministries Church. The Rock Church was organized in February of 2018 to become one of the most powerful yet contemporary and non-denominational churches in the city of Tyler. She is an influential leader who serves with excellence and integrity. Pastor Thompson has been pastoring for more than 27years.
She is a native of Tyler, Texas. She is the mother of six children, DeMarcus Pierson, Andre Pierson, Latoya Harris, Kimberly Stout, David Stout, and Darrion Thompson. She is also the grandmother (nana) of six.
The church was formed with a desire to be a place where people would come for church service and fellowship. While returning home with victory, hope, deliverance, and blessings. Yet and still leave inspired, motivated and prosperous. Her mission is to direct those who are yearning for their own intimate relationship with God.
Together with other organizations and churches, Pastor Thompson has also touched the lives of several families through her accomplishments.
1.Pastor Thompson is the Overseer of the Jordan Partnership Personal Ministries Overseer of The Kingdom Church
2. She is a Certified Life Coach and a Certified Master Life Coach
3. She is the owner of Kay’s Klassy Boutique
5. Pastor Thompson is an author. Book title: Singleness God's Gift
6. Pastor Thompson has worked with Smith County relief efforts housing families during the hurricane Katrina storms
7. Partnering with the Salvation Army in East Texas to feed the less fortunate and providing toys for kids during the Christmas season
8. Kingdom Women Rock Prayer Call
9. Annual Prophetic Summit Conference
10. School of the Prophets
11. Speaker on the Word Network Channel
In order to be victorious in life, Pastor Thompson teaches that God has purpose and destiny for all his people. Through ministry she has changed many lives and has empowered men and women to push towards the mark of the high calling.